Factores de mayor incidencia en la rentabilidad de plantaciones de Eucalyptus grandis (1a. parte) | 2002 | Revista |
Factores de mayor incidencia en la rentabilidad de plantaciones de Eucalyptus grandis (2a. parte) | 2003 | Revista |
Global timber investments, wood costs, regulation, and risk | 2010 | Paper |
Global timber investments and trends, 2005-2011 | 2014 | Paper |
Global timber investments, 2005 to 2017. | 2020 | Paper |
Use of optimization modeling to assess the effect of timber and carbon pricing on harvest scheduling carbon sequestration and net_present value of Eucalyptus plantations | 2021 | Paper |
Impact of rotation length of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. on wood production, kraft pulping, and forest value | 2022 | Paper |
Economic analysis of alternatives for second rotations in Eucalyptus globulus plantations in southeast Uruguay | 2023 | Paper |